I haven't posted to this blog for months. After the passing of Andean Bear Wishbone, I made a final post to my blog dedicated to trying to get him some grass for his home, a soft surface to live on. projectgetwishbonegrass.blogspot.com
I had since been posting my visit experiences and views on my main blog iamnotananteater.blogspot.com
After the recent passing of my beloved friend Goober (Bairds Tapir) I knew I didn't want to be involved with San Francisco Zoo BS any longer. I know things are never going to change under the current administration, regardless of all the fluff they put out patting themselves on the back. ... I wrote a draft for a finale post, but was going to post it after I honored Goober with a RIP post, which I still have not been able to do.
After the recent passing of my beloved friend Goober (Bairds Tapir) I knew I didn't want to be involved with San Francisco Zoo BS any longer. I know things are never going to change under the current administration, regardless of all the fluff they put out patting themselves on the back. ... I wrote a draft for a finale post, but was going to post it after I honored Goober with a RIP post, which I still have not been able to do.
I post today as this article just came via a google news alert for "sfzoo"
It basically goes over all the same plans the Zoo has for the future, which in my opinion (as I've posted about over and over) all in complete disregard for the Animals already living there. ... Lending to why I think its futile to continue trying to make a difference there via my blogs. Yes, I have seen changes that reflect things I've posted about, but I'm exhausted that over all not many people, and certainly not those in authority at the Zoo seem to embrace that a Zoo is an Animal Park. The Animals should be the priority.
This all said, the reason I'm making this post is because the article writer included a paragraph that quotes me and links this blog.
"So, new animals and humans, get bright, shiny, new and modern areas, while current animals continue to live status quo. I personally can not imagine being someone of authority in the Zoological Society and being able to sleep at night knowing I was forging ahead with plans that did not include helping the animals that already live there, before anything else," wrote a female blogger who goes by the name leo811 at the site http://sanfranciscozoofails.blogspot.com/.
I was going to comment on the actual article page, but it forces you to sign into Facebook, and then links your FB, which I don't think is relevant to my blog and public Zoo views.
I will say that, Animal Care VP David Bocian who is the subject of this article, has been at the Zoo well over a year, and for someone being touted as caring about the Animals, how could he (along with Director Tanya Peterson, Curators Corinne MacDonald and Debra Marrin, as well members of the San Francisco Zoological Society and anyone else who holds authority there) let Wishbone live on concrete with known back/bone/joint issues, letting him to eventually die from those issues?
We all know (and if you don't, check my links and blog archive for related posts) what I think about this and the future plans the Zoo has. Anyone working in an Animal facility should want to take care at home before building new areas and bringing in new animals. Doing anything else is disgusting.
As always, please expand the comments as they do provide extra information :)
Apologies once again I don't know why some parts post highlighted. There is no way to remove, a color must be chosen. So I chose one. Hope its not too bothersome to read.