Project Get Wishbone Grass actually has its own blog www.projectgetwishbonegrass.blogspot.com I am adding a post on this site as it is the companion site to Project Get Wishbone Grass, in that the Mission for both sites is to bring awareness to certain curious issues at the San Francisco Zoo.
The issue that is Project Get Wishbone Grass, is beyond curious in that in my opinion its cruel. Please note that I have no issue with the level of care the Animals at the San Francisco Zoo get from their Keepers, but there are decisions that are made at the level above Keeper that I have a problem with.
Wishbone the Andean Bear is I believe the only Animal living at the San Francisco Zoo that lives exclusively on concrete. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!!
I know for a fact that one Keeper has tried to get him (and his passed companion Annie) on a rotation with the Grizzly Grotto/Gulch area that both contain grass and allegedly those attempts have been foiled by those above.
I know for a fact that higher levels, including Management, San Francisco Zoological Board Members Nick Podell and David Stanton, San Francisco Park and Recreation Commissioner Larry Martin, and San Francisco Animal Welfare and Control Chair and Joint Zoo Committee Member Sally Stephens, are all aware of this issue, as I personally have sent them this situation in detail. What I sent them appears on the Project Get Wishbone Grass Blog.
Please visit www.projectgetwishbonegrass.blogspot.com for all the details. There is a collection of recent photos of Wishbone on my photo site, www.gooberssfzoofriends.shutterfly.com
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